• 558 323 555
  • sekretariat@pires.cz

Billing data

Pires s.r.o.

ul. Míru 45
739 61

ID: 21850330

Tax ID: CZ21850330

Data box: ngt2qr4

Bank: 173218 8349/0100

  • 558 323 555
  • sekretariat@pires.cz
The company is recorded in the Register of Companies maintained by the Regional Court in Ostrava, Section C, Inset 98592.
Please send all invoices to fakturace@pires.cz


Ing. Petr Buchta

CEO +420 733 618 144

Bc. Szymon Czudek

managing director +420 602 537 116

Ing. Jiří Svozil

financial director -

Michal Symerský

Head of Service Department +420 606 796 413

Miroslav Byrtus

Project manager +420 606 796 411

Jana Buzková

Secretariat, receiving orders +420 601 357 307 / 558 353 555

Petr Bulawa

Technician +420 702 038 070

Veronika Gawlasová

Receiving inquiries +420 602 788 360 / 558 353 555

email address:

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